Tuesday, February 28
> Passing time with a senseless entry.
Its a cold and lonely night tonight. The howling of the wind beating against my window panes, hmm..very eerie feeling. And i cant get to sleep despite knowing i have to get up early tomorrow. That sucks.
There's many things which i regretted doing in my entire lifetime. Sometimes i think a lot about the pros and cons before making a decision that will sit in for a lifetime. I thought i had gave it a very serious thought and it wasnt at all an impromptu decision. But as time go by, i realised that what i had done, had seriously brought me lots of regrets.
If only i was able to hold on longer and give myself more space and continue to give in and be made the sparetyre or something along that line, would things be much better now?
A number of friends have commented that my entries these days are getting from bad to worst. Its like all the very sad and pessimistic entries are coming back. Well, i just couldnt help it. I was a negative person in the past, and i still am one. Nothing can change this fact.
I gave Sentosa a miss today because i was too tired to get up from bed and i was a little feverish with a terribly aching body and the worst of all, my period came. Those killer cramps almost made me cry out loud. What a waste when i got up later that noon and witnessed the sun rays peeping through my curtains. But no worries, i'll make sure i wont give it another miss on Friday. Really need to give my skin colour a much radiant and healthier look.
Suddenly, i feel very nostalgic. Bahhh. I miss the BSC people. Though i dont really hang out much with them. But i do miss them at times. People like Ling, Huat, Zhenjie, Eleanor, Valerie, Yuping, Delong and blah blah blah. Too bad i wouldnt be joining the SL camp this year. How much fun i'll miss! =(
I think im falling sick soon. Had a bad flu last night and now a bad sorethroat. Sometimes i really dont understand myself. Desipte knowing that ive quite a bad throat, i continued feasting on all the fried food non stop. It just made it worst. And i hate drinking water. Whats wrong with me?
Okay, i aint gonna continue ranting. Sometimes, its really better not to talk too much. There's no trust between humans.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:59:00 am
Monday, February 27
> Beaming with smiles
Dont you just love the internet? I think its the coolest thing invented in the world. Especially the msn.
Shant pin too high hopes first, but im moving nearer to success though i know theres still a long way more and lots of obstacles. Its all about fate.
Supper with David at HongKong Cafe soon. Waiting for Mr Lee to arrive and off we go! zoom zoooooooooooooom. Havent slack for so damn super long.
Sunsetbay tomorrow, like finally!! YES. I cant waittttttttt. Its been like i dont know, 2 months?3 months? since i stepped into Sentosa. I cant wait to see how much it had changed. Cant wait to soak myself in the sea and burn myself while i play with the sand. Cant wait to enjoy the peace and tranquility and looking far across the big blue sea. Tomorrow!!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:22:00 am
Sunday, February 26
Do you even think you know me that well to judge what kinda person i am? Do you really think you know me inside out? Why havent you come to a point of realisation whereby you think you should really try to know me before giving a final verdict. If you think that what you see or hear now is who i really am, then im sorry to say, you dont know me a least bit.
But then again, do i even deserve your precious time to be known? Im just another girl who no matter what i do, would be deadly misjudged and interpreted, forever being the black figure.
Anyway, i caught the movie - The Pink Panther with Kenny today. Its super comical which got me laughing straight for 93 minutes (or so). 4 upon 5 poppacorns!
I stupidly booked the wrong theatre last night at 2am. We wanted to catch the movie at Marina Square but i blindly booked it at Plaza Sing without even realising. Like half an hour before the movie commence till i realised it was at Plaza Sing just when i was about to collect my tix. So the guy told me i could collect my tix at the AXS machine. But my card got stucked in the damn machine and i had to cancel it. Which now, the card is out so i have to go down again tomorrow to retrieve it back.
Since i got home close to 2am till now, ive been chatting with Emelia online. I think its the longest chat we've ever chatted. LOL. Hello Eme, i know you're reading this just like when i always read yours. I cant wait to meet up with this girl, we've tons of catching up to do. Too many things to update and talk about. 7th of April!! BU JIAN BU SAN i tell u!! Oh, talk about memories. Its all flowing back to me.
I remembered the time i felt like i was the happiest girl on earth and i couldnt stop smiling.
I remembered the time my handphone couldnt stop ringing because of the what-seems-endless messages, which of cos had ceased.
I remembered the time my face blushes much red-er than the red-est tomato whenever i see him.
I remembered his smile which never failed to make me melt.
I remembered his face and everything about him.
And i too, remembered that it was all over.
Just a blink of an eye, 6 months had passed. I know i mean nothing to you right now, for ive been long erased in your memories and heart. But you do mean something to me, someone i'll never forget, and had constantly been thinking off.
Goodnight. Theres still work tomorrow, and the day after next, and the day after next next, and the day after next next next and it never ends.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:10:00 am
Thursday, February 23
> Its OVER!!
My virgin trip to M.O.S with Edwin, Marcel and friends was erm..pretty okay. I think the place is overrated. It feels like just another club to me, just that its big. But Smoove is still pretty small. So it doesnt really make much difference from Zouk.
And then i got blacked out suddenly. Oh my gosh, i couldnt see a thing at all. I think i was like an idiot last night. LOL. Marcel's friends are really fun and jokers, that made my night a little more wonderful. If not, i guessed i would have fallen asleep again.
Dumb dumb Denise didnt come over! Neither did Celine. So super sad. I hate to club when im the only girl. No dancing partner. =(
My exams are finally over. This marks the start of my holiday wildness and the end of my junior year. Thinking of quitting my job after this hols, since Ah Jo has left, and Sally transferred to CSQ. Im gonna leave too!
I dont wanna think about my examinations no more. Compared to last, i really didnt put in much effort. During the study week, instead of studying, i actually went shopping at Mustafa with Hk and Angie, played mahjong at Sl's house, slept the whole morning and afternoon away, watched the entire part 2 of The Outsiders and what not.
So, i have this strong feeling i cant get to see my 3As anymore. BOO!!
Okay, time to wash up and prepare for work.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:32:00 pm
Tuesday, February 21
> 2 down, 1 to go!
Why do people lie?
- Because they feel insecured and thinks that lying would secure themselve more?
- Because they are ohsonice to lie and save your pride from those hurtful truth?
- Because they wanna make themselves look good and let the world know that "hey, im so perfect!"
- Because they dont wanna make you sad?
- Because they dont wanna worry you?
- Because they are born this way? A liar.
- Because they try to be in people's good books?
- Because they are afraid that by saying the truth might lay them in big trouble?
- Because they want to keep things from you?
Why do you lie?
Today's paper is so screwed. To think i studied form 1pm to 2am with Zixing and Raymond at Kallang last night. Im so freed after tomorrow. MOS, here i come!
Bangkok getaway with Shalyn is tentatively set. 1 week break from Sg's hectic life, oh boy, i just cant wait! Though i wont be going with the sentosa gang, i hope i wont miss out too much and may we go on another trip together!
I still wanna go Redang, anyone?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:14:00 pm
Sunday, February 19
> Im just myself.
Im neither jealous, nor sour. Im just disappointed of having this form of treatment when i dont see any reason why i should be treated this way. So now tell me, what am i to you?
If this friendship means nothing to you, so be it. It took me half a century to realise and understand more indepth of your nature. THANKS.
I just hate it when what used to be mine, is no longer mine.
But on a lighter note, im freakinggggggggggggggg excited!!!! But yes i know la, it was just a casual conversation. Dont think too much,
young girl.I cant wait for the exams to come and go. Im so sick and tired of revising day and night (not forgetting taking lotsa puff breaks in between, watching vcds and doing other redundant stuffs). I cant wait for the holidays because i can finally sit back, relax and earn some money.
Oh oh, i finally finished watching the entire episode of The Outsiders. ITS DAMN GOOD CAN!! I cried again, like omg. Why do good people all had to die in the end? Hate how the real world works. So is that the reason why people start living in plastics? Like being a two headed snake or worst, acting all so nice and lovely in front of others but planting evil traps in the heart, and the only person that knows how evil he/she is, is himself/herself.
Oh, how much i despise you.
At least i show how evil i can be, when im really mean and nasty. Because im honest (oh what a lie, no one is ever honest) and true about my own feelings. I dont have to act pure innocence or show my naivety, because i am not at all like that.
But yet, being myself aint bringing me any benefits at all. And i hate pretence.
Why are there things like insecurities, petty people, narrow minded people etc etc. Its all about perception, isnt it?
Like yes, once youre condemned. GOODBYE. Youre condemned for eternity.
And that's,
teh ghey.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:01:00 am
Wednesday, February 15
> Apologies for being such a bitch, i just couldnt help it.
Since i had nothing to do, and no intention to go to bed yet, i might as well take up some time for this entry, which i had long wanted to post, but never had the courage.
You know, sometimes i really hate myself and the things i do or say. At times, i really feel like a superb bitch and really felt like giving myself a tight slap,
reminding warning me to stop being such a bitch and quit bitching around.
Im not a very tactful person. Im in fact, rather blunt and never considered using the right choice of words. I can be so straightforward, hardly putting myself in others' shoes, never did spare a thought for their feelings, ignoring the fact that words do hurt people.
Despite knowing that gossiping and bitching behind others is a very sinful and slutty thing to do, i continued. Not because i really hate that person to the core, but because im angry, and very unsatisfied with some of the things people do that's against how i want things to be.
But i swear ive never said things that wasnt true, i never did put words into people's mouth, neither did i compose a story of my own. I just wanted to vent some anger, but yet, i did it in the wrong way, and i finally come to realise that i am wrong. And because of that very impulsive action of complaining and naggings, i found myself floating away from the group of friends. I named them, 'the barbies'.
I never did trust girls very much. I never did trust people very much in the first place. Since Secondary school days, i had my lessons learnt, and i thought it was like a once bitten twice shy thing. But i am proven wrong, because time and time again, history seemed to repeat and continue haunting me.
I chose the group of friends i want to be with, i chose who i wanna be friends with. But i had never come to realise that, its not all about me choosing others, its also about others choosing me. And i finally realised, i was never the chosen one.
Yes, i have great friends whom i know cares a lot about me. I personally feel that Eunice and i share a very special friendship, and this friendship between us, no matter how far the distance or how long we take to contact each other, there's this very special feel between us that will never cease. Its such an irony, because so many shits happened between us back in Secondary school. But im so glad, i found a friend like this. Always so honest, always so true.
I just wanna say, i never had any ill intentions of creating tensions or sowing discord. It wasnt at all intentional, it was just like a part of me. One of my very evil characteristics, something that i always wanted to change but could never change completely. Im really sorry to whoever that felt that was a victim of my evil mouth.
I know its retarded to say "i hope you will just forget about it and put everything behind your back, pretending that nothing had happened and i havent done such a shit to you", because if im the victim, i would most probably just snigger and walk away, pretending ive never known you.
But whatever it is, im really sorry and apologise sincerely to my dear friends out there, because im still someone, who cherishes relationships a hell lot.
Im sorry.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:15:00 am
Friday, February 10
> Love at first sight?
A question i pondered over for a very long time, a question i wish to hear the views from my readers.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Or rather,
Have u ever had a love at first sight?
What was it that attracted he/she to you? Was it the appearance? The X-factor? The personality? Or just the figure?
Have you ever had this really intense feeling within you which makes you wanna know that guy/girl so damn much?
Would you try ways and means to get to know him/her? And what happens when you found him/her in friendster? Would you message him/her and start a conversation? What is its a girl that wants to know the guy, what would the guy think? What kinda impression would he have?
What do you call a girl who initiates making friends with guys? Brave and courageous? Or simply thick skinned and desperate?
Would you feel really heartbrokened or moody when you realised that he/her is attached?
Is this called love at first sight?
Well, i guess not. Its just a crush probably. And then you would start asking yourself, Do you believe in fate?
If theres fate between the both of you, then that's your destiny. Other than that, blame it on your bad luck, i reckon.
What would you do now that you've got his/her friendster link? Browse through and click the big red X? Or give him/her a message?
More often than not, people have this feeling of love at first sight based on the other's appearance i guess. Its not practical because most of the time, he/she isnt really someone you wanna be with. So why love in the first place?
Actually i know i aint making any sense here, i cant really phrase out how i feel about this issue. Well, its just some food for thoughts. Dont read too much into it.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:30:00 am
Wednesday, February 8
> Results slacking
God knows why, but my results for this semester sucks big time. Compared to last, ive 2 subjects lesser to study for, but yet, im not doing as well. WHY SIA?!?!
I got a freaking B for my recent CMA2 test and a FUCKING C for IF test. WTHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Getting a B is enough to kill me, a C shocked me to death instantly.
Thank goodness i still managed to get an A for both CMA2 and FOI, but i know for sure i cant secure an A for my IF. And that sucks like fuck.
And ive a summative test tomorrow, for which i havent studied yet. And my tutor, didnt even provide a single sheet of notes. I had to borrow from other classses. And i can feel the heat rising within me. No, not anger, but fever. Im still freaking sick and the weather is just making it worst. My throat is killing me. Ive a super duper *ehem self exclaimed sexy manly voice. Its so deep and rough and everyone that talked to me would go like "what happened to your voice? Too much bak kua right?"
Well, not exactly. But i continue feasting on the loveletters and what not, especially ferrero roche cos if i dont eat my share now, i wouldnt be able to see it when ive recovered. FYI, my chocolates/titbits always go missing after one night. Very scary Lim/Lin family. And the worst thing is, no one ever wants to admit eating em. BAH
Anyway, im just taking a little break from studying. A million thanks to Lucas for being such a dear, helping me out to the maximum. XIE XIE NI LE!
Shawnie wanted to help me relieve some stress but i stupidly clicked on the wrong button and now i cant hear it. =(
Oh, my driving instructor today said that im a pretty good driver, but too fast too furious. LOL.
This morning, i woke up late again. Not because i couldnt wake up, but because i thought the lesson was at 10am. This is the second time i made such stupid mistake. The first time caused me to be late for an hour, fortunatey dad drove me to school this morning. So i was only late for 30 minutes. Ive no idea why i always think that ive lessons at 10am when its supposed to be at 9. Going senile maybe.
Okay, enough grumblings. Back to my notes.
*Amber gives out a loud loud long long sighhhhhh
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:22:00 am
Sunday, February 5
> Happy CNY? Not really.
I cant get to sleep. Ive lost too much money, to the extent whereby everytime i close my eyes now, i'll think of all the poker cards and me giving out money again and again. With my terrible cough, it just kept me awakening. And yes you are right, Amber is sick, once and again. Its the 3rd time in 2 months. Just let me die, wont you Lord?
First day of CNY. (Sun)

Me and mom; me and sis.
Visiting in the noon at granny's place. Mahjong at night at Huat's place. Lost $120. Slept at 4+am.
Second day of CNY. (Mon)

Visiting early in the morning at dad's side. From aljunied to Hougang, then to Yishun to visit my mom's side. Met up with Celine, Denise, Edwin, Teddy and Marcel for dinner and mini gathering. Sperm came and all of us caught the movie, Fearless. 4/5 stars. Won $10. Slept at 3+ am.
Third day of CNY. (Tues)

Visiting early in the morning at dad's friends place. Brought Ebony along to visit his family. Really cute and lovable moments. Back home, relatives came over. Won $10 during mahjong.
Forth day of CNY. (Wed)
Work at Bugis after school. Met up with David for dinner. Vomited when i reached home. Slept.
Fifth day of CNY. (Thurs)
Coughed out blood in the morning. Mahjong with family. Won $20 but mom never pay up. Dont intend to ask from her either.
Sixth day of CNY. (Fri)
School. Visiting at Shalyn's place. Had a great steamboat but fell asleep right after dinner cos i was too sick. Woke up an hour later, went to Marcel's place to gamble. Won $10. Just enought to take a midnight cab home.
Seventh day of CNY. (Sat)
Work. Visiting at Wayne's place. Lost terrible during blackjack. Grand total of $86. Too broke now. My wallet is left with $1. How to survive?!?!
In conclusion, ive lost more than $200. Its the worst year ever. Ive never lost so much in my life. This is terrible, its killing me. My savings account had been depleting and my pay for the past 2 months wasnt even enough to cover my expenses swipe with my Visa.
I dont know how much longer i can last with the minimal amount of funds left in my account. And i still need quite a lot of money for my driving. This is shit man.
Anyone willing to contribute to saveamberfrommiseries fund?
Greediness kills.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:56:00 am